Friday, September 26, 2008

Waiting on God

I don't wait well.  I want what I want - and I want it right now.  After all, I have a plan and it's a good one.  In fact, I think it's best.  

I'm waiting on God right now.  I'm waiting for an answer on a job interview.  Well, in the bigger picture - I'm waiting for a job.  Not just any job, I suppose.   I'm waiting for the opportunity that God makes for me.  And - I'm going absolutely insane - waiting.  

My painter friend Donnie and I were having  beer the other night and kvetching over our lack of income and our frustrations with all things that have to do with money - including God.   He pointed out to me that in Proverbs 3:5 it says "Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding".  

Now, I don't know what you're waiting on.  You could be waiting on the right woman to come along so you can get married, or you're waiting for the pregnancy test to say you're going to be a daddy.  You could be waiting for this tormenting legal battle to finally end, or for some medical problem to run it's course and finally be in the rear view mirror.  Maybe you're in my boat and you're just waiting for a job.

Whatever the case may be and no matter how frustrating it is to sit and look at the clock and wait for God to make his move - we have to remember that He holds the entire universe in his hands.   He set the stars in the night sky and makes the sun come up every day and go down every night.  What's more, He knows your thoughts and the desires of your heart.  He's got it covered.

I may be watching the clock, waiting for the phone to ring - and the call may never come.  I know that.  But it's really difficult to trust God to take care of me when I don't have a job, I have $2 in my pocket, the kids are asking what's for dinner, and the utility bills are all overdue. 

I don't get it.   I don't understand.  But it's not my understanding that counts - as much as I'd like to think it is.  Trust - and don't count on what you know.  God has the master plan.  

One more parting thought from the pastor of my church.   God is at his best when I am at my worst.  If you need some company while you wait - leave a comment.  We can keep you company and - just maybe - help you with a little different perspective.  

Thanks for stopping by.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bert...I'm alittle late in responding to this post since life doesn't seem to stop and let me breath lately! You've made some great points...and as I was reading I kept nodding my head thinking "Yup, waiting sucks!" LOL

I've recently started attending a ladies bible study that is titled: The "Amazing Race" Spiritually Disciplining Yourself Toward Godliness. It's great to have a place to turn for fellowship and guidance from other Christian women.

The last few weeks we've been talking about discipline. How we need to discipline ourselves in our daily lives, how God uses circumstances to discipline us to grow and become more like the person we SHOULD be and so on.

Anyway...a saying came out and I wrote it down and say it to myself now and then when it just seems as if there is no end in sight to a problem or days where I can't figure left from right. The saying is..."Don't waste the suffering". No matter what is going on in your life, God is in control and KNOWS why it is happening and what the final outcome don't waste the suffering...learn from it...grow in it. And just know that God is doing something wonderful!

(Geee, sorry my comment is so long!)

Bert DeVries said...


Don't worry about the length of the comment. This is the kind of thing I want for this blog. I'm glad you responded and I thank you for the input from your bible study.

I'm glad to hear that you're part of a study. Keep at it. As Christians we can't go it alone and have any kind of success.

Thanks again.